The Last GOTO
Sunday, February 6th, 2011I have been reading and thinking about the future of my favored programming language and the computer platform upon which I use it. The latter has been the subject of an extended discussion in LinkedIn. Some feel that the naming of the machine is of little consequence, unless you use the wrong one. It is felt that to call it the AS/400 is inaccurate, since the AS/400 is not called that anymore- which is, of course, true. It is felt that RPG will not survive for an extended period of time because of its intimate connection via DDS (Data Description Specifications) with the 24 X 80 character display green-screen terminal. Others feel that newer innovations may allow it to survive, but only if it dispenses as quickly as possible with the fixed-format (“punch-card”) calculation specifications and move quickly to free-format. There are not many defenders of fixed-format RPG around, and those that use it are probably expected to turn in their coding sheets soon and retire. And, as always, proponents of each view have their own facts and anecdotes to support their view.
I could not hope to make much of an impression on that forum and accomplish anything more than stir up the pot of contention. It is much better to make a one-sided argument here. Anyone who cares to argue may feel free to do so. (more…)