Archive for July, 2008

May the FORCE be with you

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

I admit it. I am beginning to get a case of writer’s block. What do I write about next?

I’ve been saving this subject for a while, but I could no longer resist using this headline. What does it have to do with programming?

It’s quite possible that even some RPG programmers are not aware that that you can FORCE RPG calculations. According to the RPG II manual, “The FORCE operation allows selection of the file from which the next record is read. The FORCE operation can be used for primary and secondary input and update files… Factor 2 in a FORCE operation identifies the the file from which the next record is read.”

The first time I ever saw this opcode used was in 1984, five years after I started programming. It was also the last time. I have NEVER seen it used in a working piece of code since then. My son’s textbook “RPGII, RPGIII, and RPG/400 with Business Applications” by Stanley E. Myers does not even show it in its index.

I don’t even remember how the code was used. I knew at the time. I examined the calculations to determine how the program worked, why it used the FORCE opcode, made the necessary changes, and went on with my life.

What makes this interesting is that you never hear a cry for the abandonment of the FORCE opcode. It is obviously centered around the RPG cycle, which of course is the spawn of Satan, and no self-respecting RPG programmer wants anything to do with it. “READ your file, don’t reCYCLE it,” is their battle cry. Yet FORCE escapes their notice. It is still in the RPGIV manual, so some nefarious, wizened old RPGII programmer (or original RPG programmer from the 1960’s!) might see a place where he could use it, and give new RPGIV programmers yet another reason to run away from their ILE terminals in panic at the sight. “I don’t understand…I don’t understand!!!!”

Or… NOT. If a real programmer sees an opcode he doesn’t understand, what will he do? He will look in the manual and find out what it’s all about. If he thinks it’s interesting he may say, “That’s neat” (or whatever catchphrase they use today to express approval), and perhaps thereafter see if he could use it too, perhaps finding out how it is best used. If not, he may ask, “Why would anyone use that opcode? Is that dumb or what?” (Choose your own phrase of disapproval.)

Anyone who warns “Don’t use the cycle”, or “Never use indicators”, or “Never use level breaks” are really insulting the intelligence of the ordinary RPG programmer. They are assuming that the grunt is too stupid to understand the evil he is getting himself into. If they then say that “modern” RPG programmers don’t do this or that, it becomes an ad hominem attack rather than a logical one. And if they say that new programmers won’t be able to understand this or that piece of code because of the technique or opcode used, they are wasting their breath.

New programmers will not reach out and accept RPG if it looks like Java or Pascal or C; they will just keep their Java or Pascal or C. RPG does not have to change its appearance in order to be successful, anymore than COBOL does. COBOL is still around and making itself available across the mainframe, midrange, and PC world. It has its weird keywords, too. If a piece of code is not wise to use, programmers will discover it- and avoid it.

So, when you’re programming, lighten up. Don’t worry, be happy. May the FORCE be with you. It won’t hurt you if you never use it.

Depending on the Kindness of Strangers

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

One rule repeated in almost every discussion of programming is, “Don’t re-invent the wheel.”
The idea is, if someone has written a program, routine, or system to solve a particular programming or business problem, it is foolish to waste programmer time and other resources writing another routine to accomplish the same thing. With RPG now more capable of working in a mixed-programming language environment, the suggestion now often is, if a program in C solves a programming problem, it is better to call the C routine, by whatever means available, than to insist on writing it in RPG.
As a concept, I think it makes sense. At least superficially, it seems pointless to duplicate someone else’s effort. Since often you don’t know the identity of the person who wrote the original routine, I like to call the practice “Depending on the Kindness of Strangers”, after the famous line from Tennessee Williams’ play “A Streetcar named Desire”.

But when it comes down to the implementation of the practice, I sometimes think that depending on the kindness of strangers in programming is about as good an idea as it was for Blanche Dubois - in other words, not very good.
